Join us Saturday, March 23rd for a full-day of learning with industry-leading professionals, at our Small Ruminant Seminar 2024.
Held at the Fleming College Frost Campus
200 Albert Street S, Lindsay, ON
8:45am to 3:00pm
Sheep Topics:
- Ontario Sheep Farmers Update - Anita O'Brien, On-Farm Programs Lead
- Using Genetic Selection to Improve Parasite Resistance in Sheep - Delma Kennedy, Sheep Specialist @ OMAFRA
- Comparing Annual & Accelerated Lambing Systems - Courtney Vriens, Vriens Nutrition Consulting
Goat Topics: - Ontario Goat Update - Jim Millington, Ontario Goat General Manager
- Impacts of Heat Stress on Goats - Marlene Paibomesai, PhD., Dairy Specialist @ OMAFRA
- Peterborough Veterinary Services (Speaker/Topic TBA)
NOTE: Sheep and Goat lectures will run concurrent this year!
After lunch/tradeshow there will be a producer's panel consisting of local sheep & goat operations.
Tickets: $15/PERSON - advanced registration required
Available for purchase at Sunderland, Oakwood & Peterborough locations.
For more information: 437-538-3563 or feedorder@sunderlandco-op.on.ca