Our Annual Chick Days Promo has returned!
Beginning April 1st, 2025, customers can earn a
FREE bag of poultry feed, when they purchase 10 bags of poultry feed. Speak with our Inside Sales staff at any of our three retail locations to start your Chick Days Card.
Your card will be kept on file and marked by our Inside Sales staff each time you purchase a qualifying bag of poultry feed. There is no need to purchase all 10 bags at once and customers may use a variation of the following products to fill their card.
- Chick Starter Medicated 25Kg
- Chick Starter Plain 25Kg (availability may vary by location)
- Chick Grower/Finisher 25Kg
- Turkey/Gamebird Starter Medicated 25Kg
- Turkey/Gamebird Grower/Finisher 25Kg
- Waterfowl 25Kg
- Layer Crumb 25Kg (availability may vary by location)
- Layer Pellet 25Kg
- Layer Mash 25Kg
PROGRAM ENDS: September 30th, 2025
Program Rules & Regulations:
- Program excludes Sunderland Select and Organic products
- Bags purchased at "Skid Price" do not qualify for Chick Days card
- Bags must be picked up in-store to qualify - delivered bags do not qualify for Chick Days card
- Free bags must be redeemed when a card is filled & cannot be "saved" for a later pick-up date
- There is NO limit to the amount of cards any one customer can fill